Genealogy - Back To The Roots - Family Tree Tours In Maramures And Transylvania

$ 305 .04 USD

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Genealogy - Back To The Roots - Family Tree Tours In Maramures And Transylvania

This tour includes:

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About experience

Day 1 and 2 is about preliminary research, and it is usually done by us based on the provided information prior to your arrival.

These can be accessed either prior to arrival or can form the basis of our search together. In the event that you cannot travel to Romania, we can work together via mail, phone or chat to find what you need.
- Data acquisition: civil status documents, citizenship collections, censuses, passport lists, obituaries, headstones (where they exist)
- Data processing: family trees and finding living relatives
- Translation and interpretation services (English, German and Romanian)

Guided tour of the old: traditional villages, religious monuments, cemeteries,

and the new: modern day towns, culture and traditions.

What I'm offering is a fascinating blend of history, gastronomy and sightseeing, which will make for an entertaining, yet moving trip for you and your family.

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