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Las preguntas mas frecuentes del parapente.

These are the most frequent questions for those who barely discover this incredible form of free flight.

What is paragliding?

Paragliding is a kind of aircraft , but instead of having a wing of metal, wood, or other material, fabrics are used nylon or polyester special. They can fly like any aircraft without an engine, and can travel good distances simply by taking off from a hill (with a glide ratio of up to 9 or 10: 1). The wing itself is made of two layers of fabric that form a wing-shaped bag with openings along the front. As the glider begins to move forward to hill, the openings allow the wing to fill with air, pressurize and create a standard aerodynamic profile. The wing is attached to a harness by a series of up to 30 thin but very strong lines. The harness is where the pilot sits (and isMuch more comfortable than a parachute harness ), You can even eat sandwiches in them while you fly, or take some good pictures.

The address is as simple as possible. The pilot has a brake line in each hand, and if he wants to go to the left, he has to pull down the one on the left and turn to the right, pull the right brake line. Most paragliders also have additional control, an accelerator under their feet. They are very simple, very comfortable and yet with an experienced pilot, they are able to fly more than 300 km on a good day. They are small and light enough to be carried in a backpack in the trunk of your car.


It is safe?

Like driving a car, paragliding is as safe as the person who does it . The big advantage is that it’s probably the slowest form of aviation, so if you hit the ground you’ll hit the ground more smoothly than a fixed-wing plane. The paraglider is probably the most stable airplane that exists.

How it started?

With climbers in the Alps, they started jumping off the mountains in order to go down faster. At first they used simple parachutes, but they were refining the designs, the aerodynamic profile, the improvement of the sections of the wing, they used different harnesses and thinner lines. All these things achieved paragliding better management, more maneuverable and more secure, until we get to where we are today.

Where can I start?

There are some schools in Mexico , near well-known places (such as Tapalpa, Jalisco , more information at that work on a large hill, or near the coast. All paragliding schools are required to be certified by the ANPYP (National Association of Kites and Paragliders) and FEMEDA (Mexican Federation of Aeronautics), which review the safety and correct teaching procedures.


What I need?

Pilots usually wear clothing that protects them in case they get too high for some hot springs, or in case they trip on the landing or take off. It is also recommended to wear gloves. As for equipment, all schools should encourage the use of radios, helmets, reserve parachutes, and both the wing and the harness in good condition.

Where can I fly?

Most of the takeoffs are made on a ridge, this can be a coastal cliff or a mountain. Some restricted areas of the country are urban areas, roads and where there is a large number of people, or private places and land, but in general, if the owner does not care about taking off or landing on their property, there is no problem!

Is there an age limit?

There is no age limit , as long as your instructor or security manager considers you capable of piloting a plane.

Who can do it?

Any person with good eyesight, good balance and a healthy life is a potential pilot of paragliding. If you are low, tall, heavy, light, man, woman, strong, weak or even slightly disabled, you have the possibility of flying to paraglider. A good coordination between hand and eye is very useful. You will probably discover some muscles that you did not know, during the training, but a lot of this will be done during the training.


How much will it cost me?

The learning costs depend on the school, it can vary between $ 14,000 – $ 20,000 pesos approximately. Once graduated, you can buy your own equipment which will cost you from $ 40000 to $ 90000 pesos. But, there is always the possibility of buying “pre-owned” equipment, considerably reducing costs.

In short, paragliding is a unique sport , which can give you as much relaxation or as much adrenaline as you decide, and as your style of flight is. We would love to talk more about this topic, if any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact us at , we would love to talk or exchange some advice.

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¡Sin compromisos!

Sebastian Rodriguez

Soy Sebas, un apasionado de los deportes al aire libre. A lo largo de toda mi vida he practicado varios deportes como bicicleta de montaña y montañismo. Cada que tengo oportunidad me escapo a alguno de nuestros hermosos volcanes mexicanos. Actualmente soy piloto de parapente, y un fanático de combinarlo con el montañismo haciendo Hike&Fly. También soy COO y Cofundador de LocalAdventures.

Publicado por
Sebastian Rodriguez

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